A multimodal LEGO robot

title: A multimodal LEGO robot
author(s): Guillaume Barraud, Priam Pierret and Léon J.M. Rothkrantz
published in: November, 2002
appeared in: Mehdi, Q., Gough, N. and Cavazza, M. (Eds.)
Proceedings of 3rd Int. Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAME-ON 2002)
London, Great Britain
pages: 181-185
publisher: SCS Publishing House
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The goal of the project was to develop a robot and a multimodal user interface. The robot, designed as a digital cat, can show complex behaviours such as move, speak, touch, listen, and read. The input command interface is based on text, icons, and speech. A prototype of the robot is implemented using the Lego Mindstorms™ System. The design and implementation of the robot are presented in this paper.

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