A performance based parametric model for facial animation

title: A performance based parametric model for facial animation
author(s): Ania Wojdel and Leon J.M. Rothkrantz
published in: August 2000
appeared in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2000)
New York, NY, USA
pages: 419-422
PostScript (274 KB)


In this paper we present a parametric model for facial animation and a method for adapting it to a specific person. Every facial ex­ pression can be described as a contraction or relaxation of the fa­ cial muscles. P. Ekman and F.W. Friesen selected 44 Action Units corresponding to visual changes on the face, which cannot be de­ composed into smaller ones and which combinations universally represent all facial expressions. Our model for facial animation is built on the basis of that Facial Action Coding System (FACS). The model adaptation is based on performance measurements of the subject's facial movements. Our model combines the advantages of parametric animation models such as wireframe model indepen­ dency with the accuracy of face movements reproduction (cloning) obtained with performance driven models. The described model forms a part of the facial animation system that is currently under development at Delft University of Technology. A brief descrip­ tion of this system is also given in this paper.

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