An Automated Speech Processing System for Public Transport Information Services

title: An Automated Speech Processing System for Public Transport Information Services
author(s): R.J. van Vark, J.P.M. de Vreugth, L.J.M. Rothkrantz
published in: 1997
appeared in: V.G. Fernandez (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Information Engineering
Buenos Aires, Argentina
pages: pp. 212-221
download: PostScript


The goal of a research project of OVR is to develop a system to automate part of its dialogues now held by human operators at its call centres. Operators at these call centres present information concerning Dutch public transport systems, ranging from local bus services to long distance trains. This paper describes the current development of such an ASP system and focus will be on the dialogue management part of that system.

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