Studied Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology
(TUE), graduated in 1974 and during four years a database researcher at TUE.
Has been project leader at the Ministry of Transport from 1978 until 1980.
Has been at the Department of Information Systems, Delft University of
Technology (TUD), since 1980, received his Ph.D. at TUD in 1991, was a
lecturer until 1985 and later on an associate professor. Lectures in
Database Systems and is leader of the Xplain database project. Produced a number
of technical papers, articles and books on semantic database technology and has
had wide experience with data modeling in various fields.
Johan ter Bekke died on March 19th, 2004.
J.H. ter Bekke and J.A. Bakker,
Recursive queries in product databases, Flexible Query Answering Systems, Proceedings 5th International Conference FQAS 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 27-29, 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Subseries LNAI) Volume 2522, T. Andreasen, A. Motro, H. Christiansen, H. Legind Larsen (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg (2002), pp. 44-55.
J.A. Bakker and J.H. ter Bekke,
Supporting data completeness in active databases, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Bannf, Canada (2002), ed. H. Leung, pp. 113-117.
Bert Bakker and Johan ter Bekke, Foolproof query access to search engines, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (IIWAS 2001), Linz, Austria (2001), eds. W. Winiwarter, St. Bressan, I.K. Ibrahim, pp. 389 - 394.
J.H. ter Bekke, Can we
rely on SQL?, Proceedings 8th international DEXA workshop,
Toulouse (1997) ed. R.R. Wagner, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 378-383.
J.H. ter Bekke, Semantic modeling
of successive events applied to version management; Proceedings
International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced
Applications (CODAS '96) Kyoto (1996), in: Cooperative Databases and
Applications, eds. Yahiko Kambayashi and Kazumasa Yokota, World Scientific,
Singapore (1997), pp. 440-447.
J.H. ter Bekke, Meta modeling for
end user computing; Proceedings Workshop on Data and Expert Systems
Applications DEXA 1995, London (1995) eds. N. Revell and A Min Tjoa,
pp. 267-273.
J.H. ter Bekke, Complex values in
databases; Proceedings International Conference on Data and
Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Hong Kong (1994)
ed. Nelson Chen, pp. 449-455.
J.H. ter Bekke, A data manipulation
language for relational data structures,
Systems for Large Data Bases, Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
(eds. P.C. Lockemann and E.J Neuhold), North-Holland (1976), pp. 159-168.
J.H. ter Bekke, Convertibility in
databases, Information Processing Letters 11, number 4/5 (12 December 1980), pp. 168-171.