Traffic Prediction in ABC Networks

title: Traffic Prediction in ABC Networks
author: Octavian Cota
published in: June 2006
appeared as: Practical assignment report
Man-machine interaction group
Delft University of Technology
DOC (1509 KB)


When dealing with shortest-path algorithms, one might find that the problem is not as easy if the network-model is added more aspects of real-life. Dijkstra-like methods are best suitable for static simple networks, while in graphs with changing properties, questions still arise. The reader will find in this thesis the description of a method for approaching city road traffic and prediction. An adaptive distributed routing algorithm is being presented, in order to answer the problem of traffic jams. This algorithm also uses prediction, so that vehicle crowds are unlikely to form in certain regions of time and space. The problem is regarded, certainly, in terms of solvable situations.

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