Mobile icon-based phrasebook for travelers

title: Mobile icon-based phrasebook for travelers
author: Evghenia Derivolcova
published in: August, 2008
appeared as: Bachelor of Science thesis
Knowledge Based Systems group
Delft University of Technology
PDF (1528 KB)


The most problematic aspect in human communication today is a problem of common language. People these days like to travel a lot. They travel to see new places, to get new experiences, to meet new people, to get away from the daily routine or even for a business trip. No matter the reason we travel, everyone who travelled at least once knows the problems that might occur during the trip and of course, the first problem that traveller meets is non-understanding.
People need one common language to speak with each other. Such a language like Esperanto was created. The goal for creating Esperanto was to create an easy and flexible language that would serve as a universal second language to foster peace and international understanding. This is a language with limited requirements that makes it easy to learn. Esperanto speakers are more numerous in Europe and East Asia than in America, Africa, and Oceania, and more numerous in urban than in rural areas. But unfortunately Esperanto is not usable and not so many people speak this language yet. It looks like English is most spoken language today all over the world. But the problem with language understanding still exists.
You can't be sure that people will be able to understand you and you will be able to explain them your needs during the trip. Because of all these reasons, we have to think about new concept of representing information, new way to describe knowledge that can be used and understood by people from different cultures, different ages, and different social groups. It should be the human natural way of communication.

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