Overview over the ICE project




            This implementation of the project has been developed by the visiting student Datcu Dragos during his study program at T.U. Delft [november,2002–january,2003].

Email address : datcudrg@kbs.twi.tudelft.nl, dragos_drg@yahoo.com



Most of all I would like to thank Drs. Dr. L.J.M. Rothkrantz for his very useful advises during the work on this project.

I’ve followed the study program at T.U. Delft through a four months scholarship I was awarded by the Romanian Ministery of Education and Research on 2002. During the grant period I’ve been working on two projects. This first one – ICE project and the second that is close related to the speech recognition area. The second project also represents my graduation project at the faculty in Romania.

Concerning the ICE project, you are welcomed to read the documentation and also to make some further improvements. There are still some items that need to be integrated on the project in order to make it more reliable.I’ve written the implementation in Java language of the idea so as to demonstrate to some extent the capabilities of how efficient would be such a rules based system for the ICE project.




The Project consists in several modules each of them having a well defined  ask.Between these parts there are some certain connections so as to have an image of the whole system as an environment based on dynamic data flows.

The main reason of the project is assigned to having a close analyse over the  data which would describe more or less the pilot's maneuvers during a flight.

It must be noticed that the current implementation imply that the parameter data are gathered from a software platform whose name is Flight Gear Simulator.

The reasons for using this product are related to the facts that it is an opened source and is free for usage. So it is possible to access and make some further improvements to the Flight Gear project's sources in case this would be required.

More upon this to be read are specifyed on the improvements section.

The data flows through the project's modules are possible by implementing some routines to deal with both TCP/IP and UDP protocol.

The analyse technique used has a simple rule based system that can be set to function starting from different sets of rules. These rules are defined using another different module of the project which has just this purpose of making rule definitions.

By using the system of loading different rule contexts in the analysis it is possible to say that the accuracy of the analyse results are highly related to the accuracy of the context definition.For each time the analyse procedure is done, it is concluded with a recognition of the sitution the plane is at that moment. It is also noticed upon the most probable next flight procedure the pilot might follow on the next moment.The informations are presented either as written or/and spelled sometimes.For this the latest text-to-speech technology is incorporated.All the parts of the project sources are written using Java language.

Although in order to compile some sources no special classes are needed, for other sources later versions of the Java platform are required, such as Java 1.41. In the

same way some additional classes are required for the use of text-to speech mechanism.

All the sources are available for study. Everyone is invited to make further improvements or modifications to the source, if interested.


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