Date Rentema's homepage

Hi, you have entered the home-page of me, Date Rentema. On this page you can find some serious stuff (about my PhD-project) and things less serious. More information is presented on the linked pages. If you want even more, you can contact me at:

Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aeronautics
Group of Aircraft Design
Kluyverweg 1
2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
tel.: (+3115) 278 53 33
fax.: (+3115) 278 34 44
or Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
Group of Knowledge Based Systems
Zuidplantsoen 4
2628 BZ Delft
The Netherlands
tel.: (+3115) 278 53 33 / 10 31
fax.: (+3115) 278 71 41

My Work

I am a PhD-student at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands). I work on a project called AIDA, which is the acronym for: Artificial Intelligence supported Design of Aircraft.

The orientation of the AIDA-project is on the conceptual design phase. This design phase should result in one or more feasible concepts, which satisfy the design specifications. The input consists of the specifications, and the output are one or more feasible concepts. A concept comprises the lay-out and some primary parameters. These parameters are used to do predictions about the performances, to be able to evaluate the concepts.

The conceptual design phase preceeds the preliminary design phase, for which many computer tools have been developed (like ADAS and Chaince at our university). The conceptual design phase requires more creativity and qualitative reasoning. To support this type of reasoning, several Artificial Intellence (AI) techniques are applied, like Rule-, Case- and Constraint-Based Reasoning. Also attention is paid to the geometrical modelling of the concept, to give the designer visual feedback and to check for geometrical violations. The intention is that the general concept of AIDA can also be used in other domains, like ship or car design.

This project is a cooperation of two faculties of the Delft University of Technology: the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (the Aircraft Design group), and the Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics (the Knowledge Based Systems group).

Links to more information about AIDA and related projects and departments:
Expert Assisted Design of Composite Structures
Real-Time Intelligent Diagnosis Tool for Large Technical Applications
Chaince: a system for aircraft conceptual design
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics

I have made a seperate page with interesting links to AI and Aerospace sites .

My person:

I am a man, I am not small, I usually wear socks but not a mustache, I am not very fond of cats, I like skiing, I don't like rain too much, I have two feet, I finished my Aerospace Engineering study in August 1994, I have a Yamaha Twin XS650 (1984), I did some hitchhiking across Europe, I like sailing, currently I live in The Hague ...

If you are interested: I have made a seperate page with more about myself and with some nice (?) links.

If you are not, maybe this, this (Dutch), this or this will raise your interest.

Last update: November 18, 1998