Final steps before graduating

KBS students who finish their thesis report need to take the following steps:

  1. Provide each member of your graduation committee with a copy of your thesis report at least one week before your final presentation.
  2. Give two copies of your report to the education office (onderwijsadministratie).
  3. Backup documents and programs on a CD (available at the system administrator's office, room 12.080)
  4. Send an electronic version of your report and written source codes to Dragos Datcu
  5. Clean up your account(s)

The electronic version of your report will be published on the KBS website. Please send your thesis to Dragos in Word, PDF or PostScript format.
Any (non-company) source codes that you have written must be made available, so other graduate students can continue and extend your work. For more information contact Dragos Datcu, Room 12.160

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