8.3. Issuing a Query and Processing the Result

Any time you want to issue SQL statements to the database, you require a Statement instance. Once you have a Statement, you can use the executeQuery() method to issue a query. This will return a ResultSet instance, which contains the entire result. Example 8-1 illustrates this process.

Example 8-1. Processing a Simple Query in JDCB

This example with issue a simple query and print out the first column of each row.

Statement st = db.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable");
while(rs.next()) {
    System.out.print("Column 1 returned ");

8.3.1. Using the Statement Interface

The following must be considered when using the Statement interface:

8.3.2. Using the ResultSet Interface

The following must be considered when using the ResultSet interface: