Frequently asked questions about CaterBook

Does CaterBook save my bookmarks in some remote database?

No, you don't have to worry about your privacy, none will know about your bookmarks. CaterBook carries out all the categorization on the client-side. The only outer communication is with the Google search engine, which helps with the categorization process.

My recently categorized bookmarks disappeared, what's wrong?

You probably didn't save the categorized bookmarks into a file. The best solution is to let them categorize again. Do it by pressing the Reimport button in Preferences.

Almost all my bookmarks were categorized in the folder Others, why?

CaterBook is designed to automatically categorize English-written Web pages. Your bookmarks in another language cannot be categorized, however we are working on the next version which would support more languages.
Even if your English bookmarks are mainly categorized in the folder Others, it is a bug and we will be very glad if you fill this
bug report.