JCW's [X]Emacs stuff

As you may expect, this page contains the stuff I had to write in order to make my XEmacs work the way I want it to.

C++ code intendation/highlightong for Qt code

I prepared two following files: If you want to use the above files just grab them and ungzip to your emacs related directory (I use $HOME/lib/emacs). After this you only have to modify your .emacs file a bit by adding the following stuff:
      ;; At first append the directory where you put the files to load path
      ;; of emacs (so that you don't have to specify full path when loading 
      ;; them).
      (setq load-path
        (append load-path '("path to the downloaded .el files")))

      ;; When entering the C++ mode, load both files and jump directly into the
      ;; QtC++ minor mode. You may wish to skip this last step; in this case
      ;; just remove the line with "(qtc++-mode)" and feel free to invoke the
      ;; QtC++ minor mode using 'M-x qtc++-mode'.
      (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook
        (load-library "qtcc-mode")
        (load-library "qtfont-lock")
Once you've done it, you directly see the improvement in the vay that emacs treats Qt source files. There might be a lot of bugs/unwanted features/side effects that come with the above files (and the way they're installed). Unfortunately I know nothing about LISP programming and I got to this point just by trial_and_error method (with a little help from 'man regexp'), so don't count on quick bug-fixes or things like this. Feel free however to mail me your problems, bugs, solutions etc.
Jacek Wojdel
Last modified: Tue Sep 21 17:48:34 MET DST 1999